I have a piece of jewelry that my husband bought for me as a gift last August when our four-year separation was over. It’s a slide that goes on a necklace chain, a silver tree and stream on a background of abalone. I loved it immediately because it reminded me of one of the scriptures I clung to during those difficult, wilderness years:
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes: its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
The necklace is a beautiful aide memoire to me of God’s faithfulness amid our human-ness. It is physically symbolic of Solomon’s plea (Proverbs 3:3) to bind love and faithfulness around our necks. It bespeaks a stunning and poignant testimony.
The unusual beauty and artistry of the necklace never fails to garner attention. It has become a means of witness for me because I am able to share the story and scripture behind it. Just last week, it opened the door for a waitress to share that she was separated from her husband. It gave my husband and me the opportunity to pray for her. It blessed her to literally see and hear evidence that God can work miracles, that He also hears her cries. It completely blessed me to be used by God to give her hope.
All that from silver on a piece of abalone.
Silver? The word comes from a root that means “to refine”. As in, removing impurities through the application of heat. My husband and I spent four years in the very center of the Refiner’s fire. Spiritual refining is no easy thing to undergo; I still must constantly have to remember that the tree in Jeremiah does not fear when heat comes!
Abalone is a shell. Webster’s says it is found “clinging to the rock” on the coastlines. How appropriate is that? I spent those four years clinging to the Rock, listening for God’s instruction. Abalone’s other name? Sea ear. As in “listen”.
How involved and interwoven God is in our lives, even into the meanings of random words! What amazing power He has! He can use a husband’s present to his wife to demonstrate and illustrate that He is real and active. That He is present. Indeed, He is The Present.
I linked into your site through Van Walton's blog on "Waiting". Your comments on her sight spoke to me. I'm not married, never have been. Right now my family and I are going through a 'seperation' of sorts with my older sister. While she still desires the contact of our family, her spiritual beliefs have changed drastically and it's quite frightening to where she's headed. i thought things were getting better, but this week we received an email where her thoughts towards God have actually gotten worse. I've cried a lot this week and asked for wisdom on how to be a good sister to her. How to not be selfish and think about how to "explain" this to people. Fear and shame want to over power me. I know I need the prayers of my friends. But, it's like I'm still in shock that I'm going through this. I always thought you know "other families...". Most importantly, I need to know how to put her in the hands of God himself. He's the only one who knows how to restore that relationship. I'm not sure if you understand the correlation of my sister to your marriage. But, God truly spoke to me in what you've written. It's given me hope (great hope) that all is not lost. even though things look bleak, God is a God who can heal and repair. thank you. Thank God. God Bless you and your family
I don't know how to reach you, so I'm asking God to send you back to my blog so you can read this. I trust He will.
I think one of the biggest lessons God has taught me is that I need to rely on Him, because He cares for my loved ones even more than I do.
When one of my daughters was caught in a cult, I had to pray that God send someone to her to get her out, because I could not. He did.
When another of my daughters was caught in a wildly inappropriate lifestyle, I had to pray that God would deliver her, because she could not hear me. He did.
When my husband wanted to throw in the towel on our marriage, I prayed that God would break his heart and return him to me. He did.
Send God.
Ask Him to put people in your sister's life that point her back to Him. Beg Him to do whatever necessary to return her to Himself. Place her in His hands in your prayers. Ask God to make His way so obvious to her that she cannot deny it. Ask Him to be relentless.
Send God ahead and He will prepare.
He has proven Himself faithful to me and He will do the same for you!
I love Isaiah 51:3-
The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.
Now put your name in there instead of "Zion". Put your sister's name in there. That is ONE POWERFUL PROMISE!
Blessings to you! Do not hesitate to contact me again. I'd love to hear your miracle story when God answers your prayer!
Hi! I'm anonymous from before. Your reply has been such a blessing to me. i often think and meditate on it when times get hard. My sister is still out there, but I'm confident that God is going to bless. We're all getting together for Thanksgiving. That's a small victory, since she usually only spends christmas with us. I know the holidays have a way of bringing people together. Thank you again for sharing your testimony. It has helped me in ways I cannot express. Funny...my name is Lisa, too. :) God bless you! i will visit again.
I am SO glad to hear back from you! I've often wondered if you had returned yet to read what I'd replied. AH, God is so faithful! :)
Your post has reminded me again that I also need to remember to send God ahead. It piqued my heart and influenced my writing today. You'll see that in my November 18 post!
I continue to pray for you and your sister, that she discover in her wanderings the path leading back to Christ, the Truth. Sometimes we have to see all the false before we can recognize truth. The people who have tested it all are often the ones who hold tight and faithfully to Him when He is found!
Blessings to you. I will be remembering you at Thanksgiving!
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